Sunday, January 24, 2016

Digital Blog Post #A

Chapter 1: Post #A

Photo credit to Mr. Jay Yohe on Flickr
Chapter one talks a lot about how technology is used and what some of the benefits using technology in the classroom are. Some examples came from a video I watched along with similar ones. There are three concepts I saw in this chapter that I want to focus on.
The first included technology helping to improve teachers teaching skills and ability. This can be seen in ways where the teacher does not have to redo everything from year to year but maybe just update information. With the use of technology, teachers can get class started faster by just pressing a few buttons. Teachers will also be able to quickly look something up on the internet if they do not know how to answer a student’s question, or they can just have the student look for the answer on their own.
Another concept I noticed involved the achievement increased on a student level. This is because students are more likely to give their full attention to something that is interesting to them. Technology gives student different ways to study and review material from class.
The third concept in chapter one was intertwined with the teachers’ individual teaching philosophy. One way that this can be involved with technology is for teachers to go back and look at their philosophy and think about how they can bring technology into the classroom. I believe this is one way to make life-long learners out of students.